Pollution can be defined as the influence of any substances causing nuisance harmful effects and uneasiness to the organisms. Due to pollution of water environment, humans have to face many problems in various type. Under the categories of environmental pollution. water pollution mainly affects all living organisms.
water makes up about 71% of the earth's surface. 97% of the earth's water is found in the oceans 3% of the earth's water is fresh due to various activities of human water getting Polluted Day by day

water pollution can be defined as an alteration in physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of water through natural or human activities and making unsuitable for its designated use Freshwater present on the earth surface is put to many uses It is used for drinking domestic and municipal uses, agriculture irrigation Industries, navigation, recreation. The used water becomes Contaminated and is called wastewater.
Most of the water pollution is man-made. It's may also occur naturally by the addition of soil particles through erosion animal wastes and Teaching of minerals from racks. There are - many sources of water pollution.
1) Industrial waste
2) Inorganic Pollutants Organic pollutants
3) Agricultural wastes Marine Pollution
4) Thermal Pollution.
Industrial waste.

The major source of water pollution is the wastewater discharge from industries and commercial bodies. They discharge several organic and inorganic Pollutants. That proves, highly toxic to living beings. They include fine particles of different metals
Inorganic pollutants
They include oils fats, phenols, organic acids grease, and several other organic compounds.
Organic Pollutants
They include oils fats, phenols, organic acids grease, and several other organic compounds.
Marine Pollution.

Oceans are the final sink of all-natural and manmade pollutants. Rivers discharge their pollutants into the sea. The sewage and garbage of Casual cities are also dumped into the sea. The other sources include discharge of oils, grease detergents, and radioactive waste's from ships.